Contact Me Please make a choice from the list below that most accurately describes why you'd like to contact me. What are you contacting me about today? I want you to speak at a Meetup or Conference I have a question about Pods I have a question about WordPress Meetups I want to engage you for Client Work Let's Meet for Coffee and Chat! I do not answer questions about Pods in my personal email. We have very well established Official support channels for Pods and that is what you should use to get help with the Pods framework.I do not handle questions about the WordPress Meetups in my personal email as we try to keep those communications going to the entire group members so we can keep track of them. Please contact us over at WordPress Tampa Bay website or WordPress Tampa Bay, or join our Slack Chat.I do not do Client Work any longer, but if you absolutely need to consult on a direction for your business or have a question on project management or planning, realize that I charge $300/hour just for a consultation. That is a non-negotiable fee. Book an Appointment You've decided you just want to chat and have coffee and that's cool. You can book with me through my Online Calendar Please be aware that if this becomes a Consultation meeting, I will be charging you $300/hour non-negotiable for consulting.Speaker EngagementPlease complete the following fields in order to reach out to me to have me speak or teach at your conference.Name First Last Email PhoneDate of Conference MM slash DD slash YYYY Conference or Event NameWebsite of Conference or Event Location of EventWhich Talks were you interested in? Clients from Hell Databases, Backups & Migrations: Oh My! Ethical Pricing & Burn Rates Grow Beyond Posts & Pages MailChimp & Gravity Forms No More “Cowboy Coding” Plan Before You Build Speaking Client The Value of Support What’s My Role? Please provide any additional details about your eventEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.